Our Services

Waste Collection
This includes scheduled collection of domestic and nonhazardous waste within the concession areas. This service includes kerbside collection of recyclable waste from residential and commercial areas.

Public Cleansing
AFSB is responsible for public cleansing in its concession areas under the Act 672. Here are some cleansing services we offer: Road Sweeping, Public Drains Cleaning, Grass Cutting, Public Beaches, Public Places, Public Toilets, Clearing of Illegally Dumped Controlled Solid Waste, Removal of Carcasses, Public Markets.

Facility Management
Facility Management (FM) encompasses multiple disciplines, integrating people, places, processes, and technologies. It provides conducive and integrated facilities management services, consisting of holistic and sustainable technology solutions.

Waste Management Facilities
Using various waste treatment and recovery programmes, AFES is highly committed to significantly contribute in reduction of waste landfilling to promote a circular economy concept. With variety of technologies and waste facilities, AFES offers holistic environmental solutions with over 20 years of experience.

Infrastructure Cleansing and Waste Solutions
AFES offers effective cleansing and all type of waste solutions including control, treatment, generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing and proper disposal of waste. Recycling initiative is one of the solutions offered in meeting the government’s goal of reducing recyclable waste sent to landfills, to more than 40 per cent by 2025.

Marine Scheduled Waste Facilities
As part of our commitment to reduce carbon footprint of the industry, AFSB provides and utilises
various waste treatment technologies which include collection of recyclable items, waste recovery,
and waste to energy or other useable goods programme.